Updated 12-10
*Holiday session is now offered in every class :)
*Boiler has been updated with thermostats controlling every room. Please let the staff control them
*Holiday schedule posted Saturday
*A special thank you to Colleen and her husband Mike for the gift of our new podium carpet and installation
Save the date:
Shoppe Annual Holiday party with Caroling in front of the Shoppe as we light our rooftop tree. Thursday December 19th. No class that evening. We start with drinks and snacks inside and have a Jingle Mingle getting to know each other and then put on our warm coats to carol outside in front of the shoppe. Chantel plays keyboard and we welcome more instruments.
5:30 - 7:15 Indoor Jingle Mingle
7:15 - 7:45 Outdoors caoling with Chantel on keyboard right in front of the shoppe
7:45 - 10pm ish Warm up with a hot toddie and have more inside fun
We have been updating the website, however it has not been saving, apologies for any inconvenience